
The Synergy of Inclusive, Bilingual Mental Health Services in Academic, Social, and Emotional Growth

Written by Sofía Diaz | Jul 28, 2023 10:09:53 PM

While language is often thought of as how one speaks, the truth is, it is much more complex. Experts consider it an identity that must be understood and respected for self-fulfillment and acceptance within social groups. When it comes to mental health, understanding language as a key element of one’s self is essential for effective treatment.

According to research, the processes of language acquisition and emotional evolution are complexly connected. Culturally competent mental health services that value linguistic inclusivity access this connection to promote optimal brain development. This relationship is strengthened by the recognition and affirmation of cultural identities within mental health care, which develops a sense of identity, belonging, and empowerment that contributes to educational advancement.

Bilingualism and biculturalism have a transformative effect on self-perception and identity, according to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Language serves as a key to different cultural segments, resulting in crucial changes in how individuals perceive themselves and others. Understanding the complex relationship between language, emotional responses, and cultural values enables the development of mental health services that can better meet the diverse academic and personal needs of bilingual students.

Through a series of innovative studies, researchers at Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences have uncovered compelling evidence that multilingualism has a profound impact on self-perception and identity. The investigations focused on bilingual Hispanic women, with a particular emphasis on those who identified as bicultural and actively participated in both Latino and Anglo cultures. The results shed light on the concept of "frame-shifting," in which individuals encounter changes in self-perception when shifting between languages and activating culture-specific contexts.

The research revealed that women who self-identified as bicultural experienced frame-shifting more readily and rapidly than their monolingual peers. The hypothesis of the studies is that language functions as a catalyst to activate distinct cultural categories within individuals. Bicultural women reported feeling more assertive when communicating in Spanish than in English, and the perceptions of others differed depending on the language used.

To investigate the impact of language on perceptions, participants were exposed to advertisements reflecting women in a variety of situations. They initially examined the advertisements in one language (either Spanish or English) and then returned six months later to view them in the other language. Remarkably, their perspectives had shifted. One respondent, for instance, perceived the main character of an advertisement in Spanish as a risk-taking, independent woman, but in English as lonely, and confused.

According to The Local, who gave some insights on research conducted by specialists at Stockholm University, our personalities are susceptible to alteration based on the language we use. How we perceive and evaluate a language, as well as the cultural values we associate with it, affects how we define our personality traits when speaking that language.

During an interview, bilingual student Carlos Ayon discussed the mental and physical consequences of language switching on his health. During interviews, therapists inquired about how language switchers perceive change. Carlos stated that his ancestry and birthplace are both tied to his use of the Spanish language. Within the same language, he distinguished various accents and slang that reflected various aspects of his identity, such as the accents from central Mexico as opposed to those from northern Mexico.

On the other hand, his prolonged exposure to another language, such as English, gave him a sense of closeness to California. However, Carlos noted that the fact that English is a global language did not assist him in understanding its significance. Due to the intersection of his borderland upbringing and the mix of two languages at the border, he acknowledged that English was an integral part of his identity even though Spanish had shaped his beliefs, ideals, and personality quirks. 

Another piece of research conducted at Stockholm University supports the idea that our attitudes toward a language and the cultural values we associate with it have a substantial effect on how we perceive personality traits when speaking that language. This demonstrates the dynamic relationship between language, culture, and personality, suggesting that our self-expression and interactions with others can vary based on the language we use.

It is crucial to recognize these personality alterations because they contribute to a greater understanding of bilingual and multicultural individuals, as well as the complex ways in which language influences their identities.

There is a significant impact of cultural beliefs, values, and practices on individuals' perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behaviors. Culturally competent mental health professionals recognize the significance of cultural context for emotional well-being. They engage in continuous cultural education, collaborate with community resources, and adapt evidence-based practices to conform to cultural norms and preferences. 

This approach ensures that mental health interventions are respectful, relevant, and attuned to individuals' lived experiences, thereby fostering emotional development and empowering individuals to actualize their full potential.

The University of Connecticut's Nairan Ramirez-Esparza's previous research provides additional support for the connection between language and self-perception. The famous "Big Five" personality evaluation was administered to Mexican-American participants in both English and Spanish. The participants scored higher on measures of extraversion, agreeableness, and consciousness when taking the test in English. 

This finding is consistent with the notion that individualistic cultures, such as the United States, place a higher value on these traits. In addition, participants characterized their personalities differently depending on the language used: in Spanish, they highlighted relationships, interests, and family, whereas, in English, they highlighted personal achievements, education, and daily activities.

The study highlighted the inseparability of linguistic and cultural values. Individuals view themselves through the lens of the culture of their native language. Language serves as a pipeline when it comes to cultural values, influencing self-perception, identity, and conditional behaviors. 

These results have important effects on the development of inclusive, bilingual mental health services in academic institutions. By cultivating a supportive environment that acknowledges and celebrates diverse cultural contexts, professionals can enable students to navigate learning, social, and interpersonal hurdles more effectively. The influence of culturally sensitive and linguistically inclusive mental health services extends far beyond the individual level. These services contribute to the growth of strong, resilient communities by nurturing emotional, mental, and psychological development and facilitating academic achievement. 

CampusCare understands the importance of culturally relevant therapy for the Latino community. When individuals receive appropriate support tailored to their cultural heritage, they acquire the skills necessary to overcome obstacles, break cycles of intergenerational trauma, and become forces of positive change within their communities. The transformative effects produce a society that values academic success, promotes emotional well-being, and celebrates differences.

Our holistic approach to multilingual therapy offers all the tools universities need. With bilingual licensed therapists, the Latino community can have access to the support they need. Through an affordable and transparent pricing structure for telehealth, crisis, and talk therapy, together we can create a future in which language or culture is not a barrier to treatment.

If you are interested in learning more about our program book a demo here.